The Last Week Before Art Prize Goes Up

Whatta whirlwind! Everything is coming together for the hanging of my Art Prize entry at Women's City Club later this week. First off, the timelapse montage is finally done! You can watch it below:

Of course, it'd be even BETTER to see it IN PERSON alongside the actual drawings later this month, so, if you have the means, please consider going! (and throwing a vote my way if you like what I've done - I'm artist #62588) First round voting is 9/21 - 10/1, so, that's the BEST time to visit, in my opinion ;)

I'm framing all of the drawings myself with the help of my kits from American Frame, whom I love. A third (if not more) of the cost of sending it out to be fancified? I'll take it! I'm good with putting things together if I have the materials - a perfect fit as everything came in pristine condition and ready to go. So, if you're in the market, check them out! ESPECIALLY if you are within the vicinity of Toledo because you can also skip shipping and just go to their showroom to retrieve it all. Win!


This time of year always gets a little nuts, and apparently I have selective amnesia about that because I was feeling surprised (??). Get it together, self... this is the way of things when it comes to Art Prize - and all worth it!

Next up: find a cord to transfer my video to my tablet, frame that sucker, and finish putting the hanging hardware on everything. Bring it on Friday!