Herein lies some art-making videos that I’ve shot in my studio over the years. This will be a regular feature of my practice starting in October of 2024! If you’d prefer to view these as a collection on Youtube, click here.
Herein lies some art-making videos that I’ve shot in my studio over the years. This will be a regular feature of my practice starting in October of 2024! If you’d prefer to view these as a collection on Youtube, click here.
Carbon dust is a very beautiful, old medical illustration drawing technique wherein loose dust (filings from carbon pencils) is applied to board or heavy paper with a brush and manipulated with blending stumps and chamois cloths, primarily…
A blue eye with freckles done in mixed media by yours truly (over the course of about 3 hours) on April 5, 2017. The final is about 6x6"; watercolor, pencil, carbon dust, white chalk, and ink.